Recently Adopted Labrador Retriever Puppies Near Burlington
Lab puppies
Lab puppies - two males left out of litter of 7. Dad is white and mom is gold. These pups have had dewclaws removed. They have all shots and wellness check by Roseville Vet Clinic. Ready to go to their new homes. Call xxxxxxxxxx or email for more information. Pups are 7.5 weeks old.View Detail
AKC Chocolate Lab Puppies
Labrador Retriever PuppiesView Detail
White/yellow labs
Beautiful, loving lab puppies. White lab daddy and yellow lab mom. Dewclaws removed. Dewormed. Will be up to date on shots and will have wellness check. Ready to go June 14.View Detail
Golden Lab
Beautiful golden, almost white, labs. Ready to go to their new home Thanksgiving week. Dew claws removed, wormed, shots and vet visit. They are lovely companions to kids of all ages and enjoy other dogs large and small.View Detail