Recently Adopted Labrador Retriever Puppies Near Jonesboro
Free to Good Home Yellow Lab
I was going to keep her but things have changed. Text me and if you are a good home she's i'm in ArkansasView Detail
3 female puppies, excellent AKC quality with health testing and OFA passing results on pa..
Beautiful yellow lab puppies. Full AKC registration. Born 11/13/24, they’ll be ready fo..
We have a litter of 5 Cavalier puppies that are ready for their new homes. They are lovea..
AKC fox red female in xxxx. Will travel up to 200 miles to meet to deliver. 100.00 deposi..
I was going to keep her but things have changed. Text me and if you are a good home she's..
We have a litter of 5 Cavalier puppies that are ready for their new homes. They are lovea..
Atlas is a female Black and white Newfoundland. She is very outgoing and vocal. She loves..
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
Looking for a loyal, playful, and loving companion? Meet Bodee, a 10-month-old direct imp..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
Pug Will go home with current three plus sets of shots,four sets of Wormings. Mom is 15 p..
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
Are you looking to buy a Labrador Retriever Puppy in Jonesboro, Arkansas? You’re in luck! We have an array of beautiful puppies available for sale from certified breeders that ensure quality and health. Labrador Retrievers are known for their friendly nature and adaptability, making them the perfect family pet.
The price for Labrador Retriever puppies in Jonesboro, Arkansas, typically ranges from $800 to $2,000, depending on the breeder, lineage, and if they are AKC registered. This competitive pricing ensures that you can find a puppy that fits your budget while ensuring the puppy is of great quality.
Labrador Retriever puppies grow into medium to large-sized dogs. Adult Labrador Retrievers typically weigh between 55-80 lbs and stand around 21.5-24.5 inches tall at the shoulder. As for colors, you can find them in a variety of shades including black, yellow, and chocolate.
If you're ready to find your new furry friend, be sure to check our listings above for available Labrador Retriever puppies. Not what you're looking for? Explore other breeds such as the [German Wirehaired Pointer](/us/german-wirehaired-pointer-for-sale), [Eurohound](/us/eurohound-for-sale), or [Grand Anglo-Français Blanc et Noir](/us/grand-anglo-francais-blanc-et-noir-for-sale). You can also view more options with our [puppies for sale in Jonesboro](/us/puppies-for-sale-in-jonesboro-ar) page.
For inquiries, feel free to reach out via email at Enjoy your journey to bringing home a new Labrador Retriever puppy!
I was going to keep her but things have changed. Text me and if you are a good home she's i'm in ArkansasView Detail