Recently Adopted Labrador Retriever Puppies Near Marshall County
Puppies are ready for their new forever home
Puppies were born on May-7-2023 and there is 1 female &3 males available. The female is the only one with the solid black nose in the photos, all the others are males. They have not received their first round of vaccines nor have they been dewormed. They have been weaned and have been on dry food & water for the past 2 weeks now. The litter is non registered due to mom & dad not being registered. Both parents are on sight &I have attached a photo of mom & dad to this post. The mother is American Labrador (she is the one with the whiter coat in the below pictures) & the dad is a Dudley Labrador (he has the yellowish looking coat in the below photos). We are located in Lewisburg, TN (approximately 50 miles from downtown Nashville). You may reach my spouse or myself at (xxx)xxx-xxxx & (xxx)xxx-xxxx.View Detail