Recently Adopted Lhasa Apso Puppies Near Waldorf
Lhasa Apso Poo did Sale
Cuddly puppy needs home. He is the last of the litter. Current on all shots. Serious inquires only. Will deliver as I didn’t know my landlord was not accepting pets anymore. Bummer and I hate to see him go but I want him to have a nice home. He’s 5 months old. Lhasapoo is the breed of the puppy. My only form of payment is cash app and cash. I am willing to let you split the payments in half. However, I will need a deposit of half price first. Same as what I did when I originally brought him. I paid a deposit and at the time of pickup i paid the remaining balance. I am NOT one of those type of females that is scamming people. I just can’t keep him. Serious inquires only.View Detail