Recently Adopted Lionhead rabbit Rabbits Near Reynoldsburg
Lionhead for sale
She comes with quite a lot of things. Baby was born May 17th 2020, She isn’t spayed. About 3 pounds She’s potty trained but moving to a new location she will have accidents getting use to the new area. Sadly she does have diet issues (something that can be fixed) she just needs more fresh veggies and more hay I suggest buying hay pellets and mixing it with her regular one.
Some bedding and a carrier see through because regular ones she likes to eat the mesh btw. She is this price because she comes with a litter box, about 30-40 pounds of pellets a bail of hay, some snacks. and a bowl she has a cage that the door broke so I actually took the whole top off keep that in the cage as a little nest/digging box and she likes it. She had a small dog playpen that I keep her in but she’s able to hop out so either have something to cover it but being in a new area it might take a minute to actually start hopping out. She also comes with a brush, comb and 2 sets of nail clippers. She’s perfectly healthy.
She needs a good loving home and people who are going to keep up with her properly! I hate so say goodbye but it’s better this way for her and her health. Her pellets are show rabbit feed (so designed mostly to help her fur) I forget which brand exactly though.
I hope someone finds great pleasure in buying her and her little starter kit if you’ve never had a bunny before then this is very helpful much more than what a pet store would give you for about the same price.
She’s really sweet a little moody she wash free roamed till the last few months she didn’t do anything to cause me to lock her up but I just wasn’t allowed to keep her free anymore which made her sad.
*Note - When locked up 24/7 and not happy she will chew carpet until let out I highly suggest putting something under the playpen that she will have a hard time to chew up. But never put rabbits on hard floor it’s bad for their paw pads. Don’t forget they are pray animals so big changes will scare them and possibly to death. She isn’t aggressive but will make it known when she doesn’t want to be picked up. She’s never been around other animals long term only overnight very few times a small dog once which was too rough trying to play so i don’t recommend dogs. But had 0 problems with the cats and didn’t mind them. Long as your cats aren’t aggressive in anyway.
She is use to being alone so she’s perfectly fine alone for a whole workday being that I don’t see her from 6am - 10:30 pm on most days and has been this way since I got her but she was always taken care of perfectly up till now. Please think wisely before getting a rabbit they aren’t toys and very loving creatures.View Detail