Recently Adopted Mal-Shi Puppies Near Burleson
I have 6 gorgeous puppies that are 8 weeks old. They have had their first round of shots and dewormed. 3 males and 3 females. They are half Maltese and half Shihtzu. Hypoallergenic and minimal shedding. They are so sweet and playful.View Detail
Maltese/ Shihtzu
I have 7 Mal-Shis (Maltese Shihtzu). 5 males, 3 females. They are 7 weeks old. They are precious, beautiful, smart and hypoallergenic.View Detail
Teddy Bear Mal-Shi
2 Males 4 Females Hypoallergenic Crate trained Pee pad trained VaccinatedView Detail
Teddy Bear Mal-Shi
2 Males 4 Females Hypoallergenic Crate trained Pee pad trained VaccinatedView Detail