Recently Adopted Maltese Puppies Near Collinsville Township
Male Maltese sweet and beautiful
He fluffy white and raised in our home well loved by grandbabies ,first shots and worming hes ACA registered BORN ON FEB 12 ready to go to forever homeView Detail
Female Maltese puppy
Beautiful puppies born Jan 23rd ,mom and dad in our home,purebred,papered will be ready to go to their forever homes on march 13th,2022 mom and dad both weigh 10 pounds they arent tiny they are healthy .will get vet check ,first shots and de wormed and papers on pickupView Detail
Tiny male Maltese
Beautiful sweet white and fluffy puppies with their black points in...ACA registered they zre 5 weeks ready to leave on Nov.15 they will have vet ck ,first shots,and worming ....expected guestimation is 5 pounds. The price is 850.00 each # xxx-xxx-xxxx LoriView Detail
Maltese male
Beautiful fluffy white with black points affectionate cute ready forever home nov 15th 2019 will have papers aca reg first shots and vet ckView Detail
Male maltese puppies
Sweet adorable healthy fluffy white puppies will be small 3 to 4 pounds is what their litters run full grown ...good with children come with vet che k firat shots and worming and ACA registered papers they are 6 weeks ready to leave they are weaned and pics of mom n dad includedView Detail