Recently Adopted Maltipoo Puppies Near Alachua County
4 month old Maltipoo
Lucky is four months old and weighs 5 pounds. His mother is 7 pounds and the father is 8 pounds. He is 3/4 Maltese and 1/4 Poodle. He looks like a full Maltese. He will need grooming like a Maltese. He is very smart, inquisitive, and precocious. He could easily learn tricks. He has been hand raised and was even bottle fed for a week when his mother was on antibiotics and couldn’t nurse the litter. I’m selling him because I want him to have a home where he can get the undivided attention he deserves. Ideally, a retired or work from home family would be perfect for Lucky.View Detail
Akc Female And Male Maltipoo Puppies For Sale
She is 12 weeks old, very healthy, vet checked, current on vaccines, she is playful, well socialized kids and other home pets. If you are interested in adopting her please email for details....Text me your email address now via (xxx) xxx xxx7 if interested for more info and pics.View Detail