Recently Adopted Maltipoo Puppies Near Goldsboro
Maltipoo boy
Maltipoo boy potty training he is 7 weeks old, very smart and playful good with people and other petsView Detail
Maltipoo boy
Maltipoo boy he is 4 weeks now, located in Goldsboro nc, he will come dewormed, first round of vaccines and paperwork from vet clinic for more info you can call or text (xxx)xxx-xxxx or (xxx)xxx-xxxx I can also do video chat.View Detail
Maltipoo puppies!
This litter consist of 2 male and 1 female! The black and brown is the female and the white and the apricot are the males. This beautiful puppies are going to be ready to live to their new homes in October 8th there goin to be vaccinated, dewormed and have a Check up at the vet. And well give a gift bag/start up kit When the puppy goes to its new home!View Detail