Recently Adopted Maltipoo Puppies Near Madison County
Maltipoo Pom Male
We have an adorable, happy, Malitpoo Pom puppy born on September 22. He is ready for his forever home now. He has been wormed and vaccinated. This little guy will stay little forever. He has a beautiful disposition. His mom is a Maltipoo and his dad is a Maltipom. He would make wonderful house/ family dog. He does not shed a lot.View Detail
Maltipoo Pom Puppies
These beautiful babies were born on March 26th. Their mother is a Maltipoo and weighs about 11 pounds. The father is a Maltipom and weighs approximately 15 lbs. Pictures of both parents are in the above photos. They are wonderful, friendly family pets. Your puppy will come with a vet health check, vaccinations, worming, and health record. They will be ready for their new homes at eight weeks. A $200 non-refundable deposit will hold your puppy and be applied toward the price. WE ONLY HAVE MALES STILL AVAILABLE. xxx-xxx-xxxx Tracy xxx-xxx-xxxx JayView Detail