Recently Adopted Miniature Poodle Puppies Near White Plains
AKC Miniature Poodles
We have 1 black male miniature poodle puppy available. He was born on 11/15/2023. Both parents have had DNA and OFA health testing done and are CHIC certified through the OFA. He is ready for his new home now. He has had tail docked dew claws removed and 3 sets of vaccinations all done by a licensed vet. He is getting flea/tick and heartworm preventatives once a month. We have done ENS and ESI training some crate training and he is in the process of potty training. He does know how to use a doggy door. Goliath has been raised in our home with a lot of kids and all 4 of our poodles big and small. He will go to his new home with AKC papers a blanket with littermate\'s and mom\'s scent a collar a leash a small ziplock bag of food for transitioning and a couple other items. I am located in Western Kentucky. I can provide ground transport for a fee. If you are interested please call xxxxxxxxxx.View Detail
AKC Miniature Poodle Puppies
AKC miniature poodle puppy. They will have their tails docked and dew claws removed. They are $1200 with limited registration and $1500 with full registration. The sire is 12" tall and weighs 12.4lbs. He has his hip and joint OFA certificate and genetic testing done. He is not a carrier for parti poodles. The Dam is 12" tall and 11lbs. She has her eye OFA certificate. If you are interested in a puppy please call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx for more info. I am now accepting a non-refundable deposit of $250 to hold the puppy of your choice. I only have 2 black males available.View Detail