Recently Adopted Mixed Puppies Near Rockingham County
Lab great pyrenees mix.
2 male 3 female . first shots. Dewormed. Potty trained. Almost 9 weeks old. Very lovable and cuddly ready for there forever home. Rehoming feeView Detail
Great Pyr/ Rottie pups ready to go to their new homes on Valentines Day!
6 boys and 4 g..
very loving and active puppy. As one of the fastest ones in the litter theyre often the o..
If you’re looking for a loyal, loving, and intelligent companion, one of our purebred G..
Our sweet little mini goldendoodles will be ready for their forever home in Jan. We have ..
2 male 3 female . first shots. Dewormed. Potty trained. Almost 9 weeks old. Very lovable ..
If you’re looking for a loyal, loving, and intelligent companion, one of our purebred G..
Trainer is loving and attentive. He’s a protector at heart for a little guy. Tiffany is..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
2 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poodles that brin..
Beautiful litter of Cav-A-Malt puppies. They are a mix between Maltese and King Charles C..
Welcome to your ultimate destination for Mixed Puppies for sale in Rockingham County, New Hampshire! If you're looking to buy or adopt a adorable mixed breed puppy, you're in the right place. We feature listings from various breeders in the area, focused on providing health certified pups.
The price of mixed puppies in the Rockingham County area typically ranges from $350 to $650. The cost can vary based on factors like the puppy's pedigree, health certifications, and breeder experience. Consider reaching out to local breeders for specific prices and availability.
In terms of size, mixed puppies in this region can range from small to medium, generally weighing between 10 to 50 pounds. Some common colors you might find include black, brown, white, and various combinations thereof. The diversity in a mixed breed's coat can add to their unique charm!
To find the perfect puppy for your family, check out our listings for Mixed Puppies for Sale, or explore specific breeds like Bernedoodles and Schnauzdors in our regional section here.
For more information or inquiries, feel free to reach out to us at
2 male 3 female . first shots. Dewormed. Potty trained. Almost 9 weeks old. Very lovable and cuddly ready for there forever home. Rehoming feeView Detail