Recently Adopted Mixed Puppies Near Wichita
10 Week Old Puppies for Sale
I have 10 week old puppies that will be ready for their forever home this weekend. Half the puppies are Mastiff mixed with a little bit of Pit and Jack Russell Terrier and the other half is Pit and JRT and Golden Retriever/Blue Healer. There sure five girls available, Terra, Evory, Reeces Peanut Buttercup (she looks like her mother, Buttercup), CeCe, and Ruby. The males are Blackjack, JJ, Bullseye, and Tuxedo. They are all very playful and get along with each other as well as the adult dogs. They all have very healthy appetites. We’re working on potty training, but that has not been completely successful yet, as expected at this age. They are very sweet and loving dogs. There will be a rehoming fee to ensure that they go to homes where they will be happy and taken care of. They will have received two doses of Parvo shots as well as the other medication‘s included with the Parvo shot. I can provide that information of their shots for any buyer. Please feel free to email me with any questions as well as any request for pictures. I am willing to help travel within our area if needed to meet with the new owner. I am located in Wichita, KS, and am ok to travel around an hour or so from here. Thank you.View Detail