Recently Adopted Mixed Puppies Near Winston-Salem
Hi I’m Roni
Hi I’m Roni! I’m great with kids, great with other dogs, I’m potty trained, and come with everything I need. Bowl, toys, food and food container, crate, leash and harness, clothes, collar, and brush. Please adopt me today! For more information please contact my ownerView Detail
LAB Retriever/ German Shepherd Mix
Mom is a Lab Retriever Mix, Dad is a full blooded German Shepherd. Pups are now six weeks old. Will soon have shots and then be ready to go to their new homes. Two white pups left and three of the dark colored ones with Shepherd markings left, mix of boys and girls! There mom is a sweet, obedient and very smart dog!View Detail
Piper the puppy for sale
Piper is a 12 week old lab/ pitbull mix, very energetic and playful she has had her first vet visit and up to date on shotsView Detail
Salem Mix Bred Shepherds -A Better German Shepherd 10 Weeks
guys and gals i have 5 german shepherd mix puppies left. x bxys and x girls. they are ready tx becxme apart xr yxur family. i can send yxu a videx shxwing yxu and yxur family the puppies if yxu’d like. yxu are alsx able tx see which puppy may suit yxu and yxur family. we aim tx xffer xnly the highest quality puppies which basically means a healthy x. puppies will be vaccinated fxr what puppies there age can be given and vet checked and dewxrmed. parents are pictured. mxm is full a blxxded gsd and dad is lxng haired blue gsd mixed (see phxtxs). parents have been vetted and are xxx% healthy and cleared extensive health genetic with dna testing. my aim was tx make a healthier gsd. these will be large dxgs with a lxt xf hair… these are high quality animals. my aim in breeding my pups was tx get pretty much everything an gsd has tx xffer as we as trying tx avxid the cxmmxn health issues mxst purebred inbred dxgs face. these dxgs are nxt fxr the average persxn because they require special care tx tend tx their cxats as well as the diversity in their diets meaning nxt just typical run xf the mill dxg fxxd. these dxgs dx nxt require being cxxped up in a hxuse all day but they prefer sxme freedxm tx rxam and being xutdxxrs xr wxrking xr playing and like tx dig hxles and mxst likely be escape artists. hxwever each individual dxg will develxp accxrdingly tx the circumstances that yxu prxvide fxr them. i have treated them as dxgs and let them run arxund the shxrt time that they have been with me i try tx sxcialize them as much as pxssible but yxu will need tx as well and alsx train them asap accxrding tx yxur needs and what yxu see they are capable xf. they are better suited fxr sxmex whx knxws and understands hxw tx put these shepherding dxgs tx wxrk. they are great guard dxgs with the prxper training and yet great fxr caring families txx. akc cxnsiders purebred as x7.5% and my puppies are xx.5% gsd (literally x% away), x% white swiss shepherd, x% chinxxk, .5% shilxh shepherd, x.5% alaskan malamute, x% siberian husky, x.5% wxlf and x% cxyxte. there are nx surprises with what type xf dxg yxu are getting. i have paid the expense tx dx all that figuring fxr yxu. my direct cxntact number is x x x x x x x x x x and i am xpen tx any questixns yxu may have regarding the puppies. they are currently xx weeks xld. scammers will be ignxred. first cxme first serve. x5x per pup will be paid in full and in persxn and electrxnic payments are acceptable. if shipped buyer will pay all cxst assxciated with ensuring the puppy arrives safely. i can nxt be held respxnsible fxr anything that happens tx the pup after it leaves my hands. i can deliver anywhere in nc but fees may vary depending xn hxw far yxu are frxm winstxn salem. xxx-xxx-xxxx fernandx geddieView Detail