Recently Adopted Mixed Puppies Near Aurora
Doberman Pit mix
Have you been thinking about getting a puppy? Here’s an opportunity to get one! These pups just turned 6 weeks old and will be ready to find their furever home after May 25th! 7 males and 2 females. They have been given dewormer and got their first round of distemper and bordetella shots. The pups are waiting on their DNA test results. The Mom is a Doberman Hound mix (last pic) and Dad is unknown but believed to be Pitbull. The pups are weighting in big and expected to be 80-100 pounds. I’ve been there visiting them everyday since their birth and their temperament is really good, little snuggle bugs and will be highly trainable pups. The owners would like $350 for ‘em which only covers their vet bill and barely their expenses. If you get one I can help with training and will be offering the first session free! Feel free to reach out regarding any questions you may have. We would kindly appreciate you sharing the post to help get these adorable puppies a home☺️View Detail