Recently Adopted Newfoundland Dog Puppies Near Aroostook County
AKC OFA Marley
Marley is an amazing boy he is retiring from breeding and is in search of forever home. He turned four in april. He is Akc registered and OFA, also he has been genetically health tested and all clear. He would make a great pet as he has been socialized and likes everyone he has met.View Detail
Newfoundland AKC female
Cali is the sweetest girl ever, very laid back and well mannered. She loves to lie in your lap and get pets. She is retiring from my breeding program and will be spayed. Utd vaccinations and deworming. She just turned 4 and weighs 110.View Detail
AKC Newfoundland puppies for sale!
Puppies are due January 23rd, they would be ready to go home late March..they are AKC registerable come with up to date vaccines and deworming and a one year health guarantee $2,000 both parents have OFA hips and elbows and are on site...We have a passion for Newfoundland and want to share our love for them with you. we breed only AKC registered Newfoundlands. Our puppies come vaccinated and dewormed with a one year health guarantee. We do OFA hips and elbow testing and also geneticsView Detail
Thank you for your inquiry. All puppies are AKC registered, DNA certified, dewormed and vaccinated. Please email for more details. ☺️View Detail