Recently Adopted Newfoundland Dog Puppies Near Conyers
Due to unfortunate circumstances, we have to give up our sweet Georgia girl. She is 100lb of fluff and love. She’s ditzy and hilarious! She’s great with our toddler and other dog! She loves cats but they don’t love her. Lol her favorite things are water and sleep, with a side of fun time outside! She brings so much light and love to our family and it is going to be hard to part with her. She is pure bred and we originally paid $2500 for her. We are asking for $750 OBO. She is NOT spayed. If you want her freshly groomed along with a wellness visit at our vet before hand, we can arrange that for $1000 instead of $750 also comes with crate. Looking for serious inquiries only, we want the best for her and hope you do too! Thank you!View Detail