Recently Adopted Old English Bulldog Puppies Near Wayne County
7 month old male puppy
We had him around our 2 daughters since he was 8 weeks but with our recent move we can’t keep him. He is a mellow puppy that loves to be outside. His name is Ghost, he is merle and lilac. I really just want him in a home to live on him because that’s the type of dog he is.View Detail
Olde english bulldogs
Puppies will be vet checked and have 1st shots before rehoming. All Puppies have tails docked and dew claws removed.first pic is our girl,second pic is our other girl, third pic is our famous boy, 4th pic is our other boy..Puppies were born nov 24 and will be ready for their new home jan 19th .xxxxxxxxxx contact teresaView Detail
Olde English Bulldogge potty trained
I have a2 female and male. Olde English Bulldogges, ready for a new home. Birthdate 5-18.. shots, dewclawed, tails, docked, first physical done, and dewormed potty trained, know how to sit, and come when called , if interested please pm me im asking 1600 call or tezt xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Olde English Bulldogge
I have a male Olde English Bulldogge, ready for a new home. Birthdate 5-18.. shots, dewclawed, tail, docked, first physical done, and dewormed, also 3 sets of papers ckc and ioeba.if interested please pm me im asking 2000 obo Detail