Recently Adopted Olde English Bulldogge Puppies Near Alden
Olde English bulldogs soostfam
4 female adorable pups that are almost 4 weeks old looking for a special family that adores bulldogs , wrinkles, snuggles, friendship, and some snoring. They will be ready after the 4th of July. All were born on 5/5/2024. Very Great looking girl pups with cute and unique markings. All will be vet checked at 8 weeks for a cleared health, up to date on shots, and docked tails. Momma is a registered brindle/white about 45/50 lbs and dad comes from a bloodline of ruby red color, short,stocky,thick shoulder spread, and a smushed face and weighing 65lbs. Both mom and dad are super lazy but playful too , friendly personality ,and are big babies.View Detail