Recently Adopted Olde English Bulldogge Puppies Near Wayne County
Ioeba Blue Ribbon Registered
2 males,4 females,gorgeous colors,dew claws removed,tails docked,will be vet checked and have first vaccinations when ready for new home,parents pics included,will only hold with deposit,$1,500-$2,000 call or text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Christmas Puppies For Sale
We have adorable Blue Ribbon IOEBA Puppies For Sale. They were born November 5th. We have a black/white trindle girl, a black and white girl, and a lilac girl. They are very social and sweet. They have had their 1st vaccinations and workings. Both parents are around 55 lbs. Please call us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or xxx-xxx-xxxx. Thank you and Happy new year!View Detail
IOEBA Blue Ribbon Registered Olde English
Ioeba blue ribbon registered bullies,4 female,1 male,ready for new homes now.Had shots and wormed,very sweet,loving and playful.I have blue/white,lilac,black/white and brindle/whites.Pic of dad included.Prices start at $1,000-$1,800 Call xxx-xxx-xxxx or xxx-xxx-xxxx if interestedView Detail
IOEBA Blue Ribbon Olde English Boulldogge female
Beautiful IOEBA Blue Ribbon blue brindle female.Vet checked,2st shot,wormed,very healthy,loving,playful and ready for her forever home.Parent pics included.Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx for more info and pics.$1,800View Detail
IOEBA Reg Female Olde English Bulldog puppies
Blue brindle female,ready to go Feb 10th,tails docke,dew claws removed,will be vet checked and 1st round of shots and wormed.Parents are very loving,protective dogs with great temperment!Pics of parents included.Will meet,$x, Detail