Other Cats for Sale in Baton Rouge
If you're looking to buy or adopt Other Cats in Baton Rouge, then you're in the right place! Our online classified platform offers a great selection of feline friends. Finding a new pet is an exciting journey, and we are here to help facilitate that process.
Price Range of Other Cats in Baton Rouge
The price of Other Cats in Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, can vary widely based on factors such as breed, age, and health status. On our platform, you can find listings ranging from around $50 to upwards of $500, catering to different budgets and preferences for quality. Whether you're looking for a pet shop or a certified breeder, you'll find options that fit your criteria.
Size, Weight, and Available Colors of Other Cats
Other Cats come in various sizes and weights. On average, an adult cat can weigh between 6 to 15 pounds and measure about 9 to 10 inches in height at the shoulder. They can be found in a variety of striking colors, including but not limited to:
- Black
- White
- Tabby
- Calico
- Gray
In Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, you can discover a plethora of options that suit your taste and lifestyle.
If you're interested in specific breeds, don't forget to check out our links to explore:
Start your search today and find your new furry friend! For any inquiries or assistance, feel free to reach out at contact@petzlover.com. Check our listings above!