Recently Adopted Other Puppies Near Montgomery County
Frenchie/American Bully
Dayton, OH, willing to meet as well. 18 weeks Frenchie/American Bully. Picture of parents upon request. They all have very good temperaments. They have been around small and bigger dogs and children 9-17yrs. They have had first shots. Spectra 10.View Detail
mini Pomsky Puppies!
A litter of 7 F1b Mini Pomsky puppies born July 23rd, 2022. These little cuties will be ready to go to their forever homes at 9 weeks of age on September 24th! Each puppy has their own unique look, but all have an amazing personality and demeanor. As a dog breeder I take pride in pouring my time and energy into making sure each puppy is healthy and well-socialized so they have an easy transition into their new homes. Their mother Heidi is a 28lb Pomsky and the puppies father Apollo is a Pomeranian that weighs 17lbs making them the idealsized parents for this fun loving F1 Pomsky breed! At their vet check on September 13th (7 weeks old) all puppies weighed less than 6lbs! We are predicting all puppies to anywhere from 12-22lbs fully grown. All pups have been vet checked and are up to date on vaccinations and dewormings. We are Located in Ohio, but we do have delivery options!! Also Check out our website and our instagram for more info and more pics of these pups!! Website: Instagram: @xxxxView Detail
Pitbull/lab puppy
Hello i have a pitbull/lab puppy! Hes 6 monthes old! Very lovable and playful! Hes crate trained and house trained! He gets along with kids and other animals! I got him for my daughter and just found out shes allergic to dog! He hasent had his shots yet! And hes not fixed! But hes a great dog! And im trying to find him a good home! You can contact me at xxxxxxxxxx!View Detail
9 week year old Pitbull
9 week year old boy Pitbull , he’s brown . Likes to play , cuddle , and is kid friendly. Got a new job and don’t have time for him anymore so I’m trying to find a good home for him . Asking for $300 obo. Located in Dayton, OHView Detail
Porkies looking for forever homes!!!
I have 2 porkies looking for forever homes!I am asking 450.00 OBO. One male,one female. Mother is Yorkie,5 lbs and father is pug,9 lbs. I am located in Dayton Ohio. They will be 8 weeks Sunday October 1st and available to their new homes that day. If interested please call or text at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Husky Pups
These puppies are well socialized, very friendly and great with children. Their shot and dewarmer are up to date .I am asking 500.00 for each. Feel free to contact me at (xxx)xxx-xxxx.View Detail