Recently Adopted Pomeranian Puppies Near Flint
Pomeranian Puppy AKC
xxxxxxxxxx Flint Michigan she is a purebred AKC registered Pomeranian. She is 9 weeks old and ready for her forever home. She is 1500.View Detail
Adorable Pomeranian puppies
Adorable Pom puppies White, Black and a Multi colored.View Detail
Pomeranian male puppy
8 weeks old male tiny purebred will be 4 to 5 pounds full grown thats what parents weigh . * note he looks WAY bigger in pictures than in person ! *I have given him his 1st parvovirus vaccine and dewormings. Raised with children and absolutely loves to play with them. I do not take a deposit and you will not be needed to send money to hold him ..i do not hold for more than a few days and thats only if i feel you are actually interested but with all the scams i just wanted to say no payment will me acceepted till you see puppy in person!View Detail
Sweet Pomeranian
This adorable litter was born on October 30. They are AKC registered and have been vet checked. Sire and Dam both weigh 7.5 pounds. They will have their first puppy vaccinations and dewormings. They playful and cuddly and very sweet natured. They love attention and enjoy being held. They’re friendly and enjoy hanging out and being with people. Please text or call with the name of the puppy you’re interested in. Shipping is available for an additional cost. Text or call +x(xxx)xxx-xxxxView Detail
Pomeranians coming soon !
I will soon have a litter of pure bread Pomeranians !I am taking places in line feel free to contact me with more information ! mama is a cream and white and daddy is all black and has blue Mearl and lavender Mearl in his genes ! Mother does as well but she took after her father more . if you are interested reach out to me at or by phone ! xxx-xxx-xxxx and I will let you know what place you have in line and also send pictures of my beautiful puppies !View Detail
Female Pomeranian
hi mi name is bubbles my birthday is 7/23/2021 I am looking for a furever home !I am potty trained and up tp date on shots !I am not fixed I love kids and other animals and I am very energetic and playful !I am currently 3.5 pounds I come with everything the day I come to my new home with you!View Detail
Pomeranian mix
Male pomeranian terrier 8 weeks old shots with records call or text for further info located in clio mi xxx xxx xxx3View Detail
Your Dream *Gorgeous* Teacup Pomeranian Puppies
Your Dream *Gorgeous* Teacup Pomeranian Puppies For Adoption** TEXT US AT (# xxx xxx xxx3).View Detail
wonderful pom pom
Meet mojo under 3 pounds and love to cuddle he is a great dog we just don't have the time to give him because we have a litter of puppies on the way mojo is not fixed and makes awesome puppies so if you looking to breed him or just a pet this is the one for you he is 3 years old as of this year if interested give us a call xxx xxx-xxx6 quantezView Detail