Recently Adopted Pomeranian Puppies Near Hueytown
I have 3 male puppies two was born October 10th one of the puppy is merle and the other is chocolate and tan and the last male is black and white born October 23 nd.I will give first shot and wormed them.View Detail
I have one female born February 19th she is very sweet will be wormed and first shots she will weight around 4 to 5 lbs ready at Easter timeView Detail
Puppies for sale
I have two males they are red and white then i have one female that is red and white they was born February 19th they will be ready Easter they are ckc registered will be wormed and first shotsView Detail
I hane 3 merle puppies 2 males and one female they are very sweet need a loving famil.Ready at Easter time ckc registered will wormed and first shots. Born February 19th can contact me at xxx xxx xxx2 I live in Hueytown Alabama my name is June.View Detail