Recently Adopted Pomeranian Puppies Near Greene County
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet chocolate Buffalo he has greeish eyes, he is 10 weeks old is around kids so is socially balanced, will be updated on shots, wormed, had a vet wellness check up.and weighs 3lb.4oz. Is a healthy puppy. Is registered xxx.xx hold him for you his deposit is $250. If interested please message meView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet Honey, she is 10 wks old, is around kids so is socially balanced, registered CKC, will be updated on shots,wormed and had a vet wellness check up. She weighs 1lb 9oz. She is a very healthy puppy. the deposit to hold her for you is $250. If interested please message meView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet little Carmel she is 3 wks old She is registered Ckc will be updated on shots, wormed and have a vet wellness check up. Is around kids so is socially balanced if interested,to hold her the deposit is $250.please message me if interestedView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet little Aster, he is 10 weeks old. he will be up to date on shots,wormed,he had a vet wellness check up,he weighs 2lb 1oz.and is a healthy puppy. is registered CKC. The deposit to hold him is $250 it comes out of the price of puppy he is raised around kids so is socially balanced. If interested please message meView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet little Noelle, she is so sweet and full of spunk, he is bye-eyed. She is 12 wks old,is registered CKC, wormed and is up-to-date on shots she is around kids so is socially balanced. She is ready for her new home. If interested please message meView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet Klaus he is so full of energy but loves to be loved on. He is up to date on shots, wormed and had a vet wellness check up. Is registered CKC he is in full health and ready for his new home. He is 16 wks old. Is around kids so is socially balanced if interested please message meView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Little Milo he is 10 wks old has blue eyes, up to dates on shots wormed and had a vet wellness check up,he weighs 2lb 2oz, he has a small hernia which we want to keep an eye on but otherwise very healthy he will be ready to go at 9 wks old.around kids,so is socially balanced. He is registered CKC. the deposit to hold him is $250 it comes out of the price for puppy. If interested please message meView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet 11yr old Katrina, she is a great dog and has severed us well. We are retiring her and would love for her to have a good home. She is updated on her vaccination and wormed.she has had dental work done and is in good condition.she weighs around 7lb. She is very loyal. She loves attention and the closer she is to you the better she is.View Detail
SuzyQs Precious pups
These beautiful little pomeranian puppy is 12 weeks old,he is full of character and beautiful,he is full of energy.he loves to tussle and play, loves his toy monkeyand to stand on his back legs.he is around kids and is socially ,is wormed ,updated on shots,had a wellness vet check up weighs 2lb.6oz and is in good health. he is registered CKC. will keep you posted on his growth,as well as pictures.he is ready for his new home. If interested please message delivery up to 200 miles, but further is extra cost.He is ready for his new homeView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet Maribelleshe is black sable very beautiful calm in character loves to be held. Loves to run and play with her xxxx.xx around kids so is socially balanced. Is registered CKC. She had her first shots, wormed and had a vet wellness check up,she weighs2lb and in good health. Her deposit to hold her is $250 and it comes out of the price of xxxxx.xxxx delivery up to 200 miles further is extra cost. Will keep you posted on updatedView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Beautiful Cinnamon he is Merle-sable. He loves to be held,and tussles.he had his first shots,he is around kids so is socially balanced wormed and had a vet wellness check up.he weighs 2lb 5oz and in good health.He is ready for his new xxxx.xx registered CKC the deposit to hold him $250, it comes out of the price of puppy. Free delivery up to 200 miles further is extra cost. Will keep you posted onView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Beautiful Brigitte she is black-sable. Loves to be held is laid back in character.she loves to tussle and play,but still wants to be held.she is registered CKC.She is ready for her new xxxx.xx around kids so is socially balanced. She is wormed,had her first shots and had a vet wellness check up.she is in good health. her deposit is $250 to hold her,it comes out of the price of xxxxx.xxxx deliver up to 200 miles,further is extra cost.will keep you posted onView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Beautiful Dutchessis 8 weeks old ,she loves playing and being held ,she is around kids and is socially balanced is registered Ckc. She is up to date on shots, wormed and had a vet wellness check up. Is ready for her new home and will make an awesome friend and pet. Free deliver up to 200 miles further is extra cost. If interested please message meView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet Phoenix a Beautiful sable-merle pomeranian with two different color blue eyes.had his first set of shots, wormed and had a vet wellness check up,he weighs 2lb 8oz and iin good health.He is ready for his new xxxx.xx around kids so is socially balanced.he is registered CKC Will post pictures as he grows. Deposit to hold him is $250 it comes out of the price of puppy. Free delivery up to 200 miles, further will be extra cost.if interested please contact meView Detail
SuzyQs precious Pups
Meet Gracie she is 6 weeks old and already a talker,she came from a litter of 2.she was born June 10,2023. She will be up to dates on shots dewormed and have a wellness vet check up. Will keep you posted on her growth she is socially balanced and around kids.she will be registered CKC her deposit is 250.and that will come out from the price of puppy will keep you posted on up to date pictures. Delivery is extra cost, but am willing to work something out if not to farView Detail
Adult female pomeranian
Hello I am Katrina I'm 9yrs old and will have my birthday July. I act alot younger then my age I love to walk on a leash run around, attention is my favorite,am very personal and will make an awesome friend and pet I'm sable color. Am up-to-date on shots and haved been wormed had dental work done but have had no health issues am healthy,love bananas and treats. If interested please message my owner.View Detail
SuzQ's precious pups
Registered CKC 9yr old female pomeranian very lovable and very energetic she doesn't show her age at all will make a wonderful pet. She goes by the name Katrina. her last shots were 2021 she is not fixed.if interested please email xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
SuzyQ Brand New Precious Pups
Pure-bred pomeranian 7 week old merle-sable,she is AKC registered. The Dad weighs around 6.5lb the Mom weighs around 5lb.she is raised around kids, and handled throughout her growing up.she is very alert,and doesn't miss a thing,she hops when she runs and stands on her back legs to beg. Loves to twirl to get attention. will be up to date on shots, wormed and vet wellness check up. One female.the deposit is $250 Non-refundable it comes out of the price of puppy, and we will hold the puppy for you. Will post pictures as she grows. If interested please message me and I am willing to meet or xxxxxxx.xx willing to work something out to make it easier to deliver. ThanksView Detail
SuzyQ Precious Pups(Paddington)
Beautiful purbred pomeranian puppy registered 14 weeks old male Paddington, he is Merle sable. Up to date on shots,wormed and a vet wellness check up,he comes with papers.ready for his forever home. He is socially xxxxxxxx.xx raised around kids and love attention.he comes with papers. if interested message willing to meet and to deliver can work something out. Message me if interested thank youView Detail
AKC Pomeranian male
Adorable AKC Black and Tan Pomeranian male vet ck shots deworm utd xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail