Recently Adopted Pomsky Puppies Near Escondido
Pomsky Puppies
10 week old Pomsky mix puppies ready for their forever home. This is the mother's first and only litter she will have before she is spayed. both mom and dad are so amazing that before they were fixed we had to let them have 1 litter. If I could I would keep all of them haha. 3 girls and 1 boy available. Father is a Pomsky and mother is a Terrier/ Chihuahua. First round of vaccines and dewormed. Responsible homes only. Message for more infoView Detail
Pomsky puppies ready for a new home
We have stunning males and females available, wolf Greys. Blue eyes and brown Mum is our KC Reg ice blue eyed, small type, very petite black and white Siberian Husky, KC reg papers here to be seen! She is very loving, playful, loyal and has a fantastic friendly temperament. Dad is a teacup black and tan Pomeranian with Russian lines (he is a tiny Pomeranian not the large fox face type) both parents come from outstanding bloodlines. Together they have produced quality pups (Genuine tiny Pomsky's).text via (xxx) xxx-xxx3 for more details and picture thanks.View Detail