Recently Adopted Pomsky Puppies Near North Bergen
fabulous Pomsky Puppies
males and females. They are registered with AKC. Our family adores the breed. There are no health issues and all puppies have their certificates of health and have been given all shots. They're love bug and really loves kids. They know potty outside, in your house, treats, etc. Friendly and social, They're beauty who would love to meet you. Age: 10 weeks Sex: Males & Females Training: Pee pad & crate trained Text for pics and details Via Text for pics and details Via Detail
Pomsky Puppies
4 adorable pomsky puppies. (1 female, 3 males) F1 generation. 9 weeks old 2 black and white and 2 brown and black All pups have their first set of puppy vaccinations and they have been dewormed weekly. Email via xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Home raised pomsky puppies for rehoming
I have a male and female pomsky puppies to offer.they are well trained and very sociable. They have been vet checked, dewrmed and current on their shots. They will make a very good family addition and will fill your family with moments of joy and happiness.View Detail