Recently Adopted Poodle Puppies Near Autauga County
full blooded toy poodle
he is 7 weeks old. very playful but also VERY loving!View Detail
Puppies born December 4,Lots to choose from both males and females, black male puppy 600,..
3 precious, energetic Welsh Pembroke Corgi puppies (2 red male puppies and 1 tricolored m..
F2BB. Fourth and final litter from our “Teddy Bear” mama. 2F and 4M still available i..
I have small toy pomskys pups available Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx for information. Mom an..
he is 7 weeks old. very playful but also VERY loving!..
F2BB. Fourth and final litter from our “Teddy Bear” mama. 2F and 4M still available i..
ICCF/UKC (full rights) cane corso puppies available for new homes Feb 1st. Taking deposit..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
2 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poodles that brin..
1 BEAUTIFULTOY BOY GROWN 5-6# at best AVAILABLE FROM OUR NolaxRemi xx-xx-xxxx War Dog Her..
Welcome to PetzLover, your go-to online platform to buy gorgeous Poodle Puppies in Autauga County, Alabama. Whether you’re looking to adopt or buy, we have options available that will suit your needs. Our puppies are registered with the AKC and come from certified breeders committed to ensuring the health and well-being of their dogs.
The price of Poodle Puppies can vary based on factors such as their size, lineage, and the breeder's reputation. On average, you can expect to pay between $800 and $2,000 for a well-bred Poodle puppy in Autauga County. Factors that influence price include the puppy's size, color, and any special breeding considerations.
Poodles come in three different sizes: the standard, miniature, and toy. Typically, the weight range for standard Poodles can be between 45-70 pounds, miniature Poodles usually weigh 15-17 pounds, and toy Poodles can range from 4-6 pounds. In terms of color, you’ll find a variety of shades: black, white, apricot, cream, and even merle variations.
To explore a variety of listings, check out our available Poodle Puppies for Sale. If you're interested in a specific size, visit our Standard Poodle Puppies section. Additionally, you might find our Australian Bulldog listings appealing. For a comprehensive view, don't forget to check out all puppies for sale in Autauga County.
Feel free to reach out to us at for any inquiries. Check our listings above for quality Poodle puppies available near you!
he is 7 weeks old. very playful but also VERY loving!View Detail