Recently Adopted Poodle Puppies Near Longs
Puppy Love
Sophie is a female 75% poodle/ 25% Shitzu. She was born on 7/4/23. She weighs 6.5 lbs. She is a playful little girl. She loves attention and loves playing fetch. I work full time and just got a partime job. Sophie deserves a home that can give her the life she so deserves. She is up to date on shots and will come with the following items: Bed/blankets Toys Dog food Shampoo Carseat Collar/leash Dog dishesView Detail
tiny toy male poodle
very sweet and smart puppy, beautiful back and white tuxedo markings. weighs 3 lbs. 3 ozs. born 11/13/ 2016 dad is AKC and DNA certified 3 lbs. 9 ozs. mom is AKC 5 lba 5 ozs. potty trained to outside and pee pad comes when called sits on command personal delivery available , He comes with vet check , utd on worming and age appropiate shots and 5 year healtg guaranteeView Detail