Recently Adopted Poodle Puppies Near Belton
Cooper: Toy Male Poodle
Cooper is Apricot and White Toy Poodle. He has had 2 sets of shots and deworming treatment. He loves jump and running with his siblings. He is the biggest of the litter. Weights 4lbs. He is 14 weeks old. He is NAPR registration.View Detail
Charlie: Toy Poodle Male
Charlie is Black with a little white on his chest and chin. He is 14 weeks old. He is the smallest of the males. Weight 3.5 lbs. He has had 2 sets of shots and deworming treatment. He has s NAPRView Detail
Lacie: Toy Females Poodle
Lacie is Black and White Tuxedo Toy Female Poodle. She is 14 weeks old. 2 sets of shots and deworming treatment. She is so sweet she love to be loved on.View Detail
Lizzy 14 weeks old. Toy Poodle
Lizzy is the smallest of the litter. She is Black and White. With half of her face black/white.View Detail
Lucy Black and White Tuxedo Toy Poodle
Lucy is Black and White Tuxedo. She is 14 weeks old. Weight 3.5 lbs. Has had 2 sets of shots and deworming treatment.View Detail