Recently Adopted Poodle Puppies Near Cleveland County
CKC Poodle Puppies
Rehoming 1 male chocolate and 1 female black miniature poodles. They are 8 weeks old and CKC reg. They have had shots and been dewormed. Fee is $600 to ensure they go to homes that can take care of them. Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx for pictures or more info. They are sweet active puppies.View Detail
Poodle Puppies
I have 2 male and 2 female poodles puppies. They are CKC registered. They are cute and ready for new homes. Please call or text at xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail
Toy poodles pups
xxxxxxxxxx we sale toy poodles fro. 600 to 2000 we have a black male now more on the wY we closed to shelby nc we got a vet we go to in shelbyView Detail
Who needs a love partner?
I have two litters of some pretty amazing poodles!!! You can message me at xxx-xxx-xxxx for more infoView Detail