Recently Adopted Poodle Puppies Near Maricopa
Puppies for Sale
Standard Poodles 5 females 1 male multi colors and black. Parents are AKCView Detail
standard poodle puppies for sale born Nov 24 black and red males and females ready for ne..
5 puppies, solid and merle colors. Champion gparents, state and national. Many will have ..
We have a litter of Nine beautiful
Standard poodle puppies born on
November 5th 2024. W..
We have 5 large purebred German Shepherd working line Pups left, a few rare black & b..
Standard Poodles 5 females 1 male multi colors and black. Parents are AKC..
We have a litter of Nine beautiful
Standard poodle puppies born on
November 5th 2024. W..
Hi there I have a litter of eight puppies three are female going for $850 and five that a..
We have a4 adorable Puppies ready for their forever families. Momma is a German Shepherd ..
Ready To Go To A Loving Home Oct 18th :)They Are Healthy & Such Happy Puppies Mom Got..
AKC , Arlo was born November 9, he’s a beautiful Ice white Pomeranian boy. Very lovable..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
2 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poodles that brin..
Welcome to PetzLover, your trusted source for finding adorable Poodle Puppies for sale in Maricopa, Arizona. If you are looking to buy or adopt a new furry friend, we have a variety of options available that cater to all your needs.
The price of Poodle Puppies can vary based on factors such as breeder reputation, puppy lineage, and health certifications. In Maricopa, Arizona, you can expect to see prices ranging from $800 to $2,500 depending on the quality and characteristics of the puppy. It's essential to consider the health and pedigree of the puppy when making a purchase.
Poodles come in various sizes which include standard, miniature, and toy. In Maricopa, Arizona, you can find:
As for colors, Poodle puppies are available in various shades including:
If you're looking to sell, buy, or adopt a Poodle Puppy, check our listings above to explore available puppies near you. We connect you with certified breeders who provide healthy and well-cared-for puppies.
Also, don’t miss out on other breeds! Check out our listings for Standard Poodles, Keeshonds, and Tibetan Terriers to find the perfect pet for you.
For any inquiries, feel free to reach out at
We hope to help you find your new best friend in Maricopa, Arizona!
Standard Poodles 5 females 1 male multi colors and black. Parents are AKCView Detail