Recently Adopted Presa Canario Puppies Near Florida
female puppies
Three females. They are ready for pick up in xxxx today. Sunday through Friday. Message me for a faster response or leave a voicemail so i can return you call. Mrs. Hill .Sire and dam are on the premises and can be viewed for color and size... my male is brindle with tiger strips on his legs,... which a lot of the puppies have acquired, he also has a large wide face with lean body high hips and my female looks like the original presa, long snout slender and very quick, she is the one too look out for because she is always on guard 1st to the seen. 800 without papers 1200 with papersView Detail
female presa canario puppies
Three female Presa canario puppies 10 weeks old now .... mom and dad on site can give fresh picks if you text me. Eight hundred with out papers and twelve hundred with ..Pick up in xxxx. xxx-xxx-xxxx Can view pups and Sunday through Friday twelve hundred with papers eight withoutView Detail
Female Presa puppies
Pick up in xxxx Ready for pick up. three females available xxxxxxxxxx 800 without papers 1200 withView Detail
Presa canario puppies
1200 with papers 800 with out Pick up in xxxx Have parents on site. Five females two males.Ready to go home today six weeks old.View Detail
Female presa canario
With papers... 25 weeks old...Dark face brindle....She comes frome the irema curto line from lock jaw kennels mom and dad are on site can send current picks of all just send me a message. Pick upis in Zephyrhills xxxxxxxxxx Call or text for faster response my name is xxxxView Detail
Presa canario two females 2 males 5 weeeks old dob Feb.23
Long pedigree history FCI registered breeding for 25 years 5 generations from importsView Detail
Guard dog presa canario puppies
Male and female pups 14 weeks Pick up in Zephyrhills View and (pick up only) Sunday through Friday Text xxx xxx xxx1 Cash or venmo or pay pal available Irema curto line Fun loving family dogView Detail
Male puppies
6 male puppies $1500 obo 1st shots complete Also have 6 females Great guard dogs Pick up in Zephyrhills Text xxx xxx xxx1View Detail
Presa canario
11 puppies 12 weeks old 5 male 6 female Shots Dewormed Pick up in Zephyrhills Call xxx xxx xxx1 1200 obo Best guard dog Family loyal Large breedView Detail
Male and female puppies
Male and female puppies Some with laid back temperament to feisty and ready to play. You pick they are 7weeks old and need a good home. These are breed for gaurd dogs... and moma and papa does great with my four children from baby to 7 yrs. Pick up in Zephyrhills Text xxx xxx xxx1View Detail
Female presa canario
Female presa pup 6 weeks old. Dewormed and eating kibble. She has 5 sisters and 6 brothers available also. Pick up in Zephyrhills. Text Detail
Male presa canario
6 male puppies also 6 females available brindle color and 5 weeks old. Have been dewormed. Dad and mom on site... breed for guard dogs. Temperment is quick to check out possible threat for mom, dad is laid back till go time. And thick over 120lbs Pickup in Zephyrhills Text Detail
8 month old Black and White
Raya is well trained all around (sit,stay,come and potty trained). Is social with humans and other animals, we have a1 year old and 2 older boys. Raya comes from a great line of Presa Canario and is ready for breeding, all her shots and records are up to date shes weighing in at 78lbs and growing. Willing to deliver Raya to new home. Christine Carde xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Presa Canario Puppies
Presa Canario puppies born on February 17, 2023 3 males and 4 females.View Detail
Presa canario adult female
Romanian import presa canario, working bloodline ironbull linea M ,uppcc registered , intact female, very good dogView Detail
7.5 MONTHS OLD MALE ,REGISTERED, VERY GOOD DRIVE,PLAYFULL , dewormed, shots imported parents working bloodlinesView Detail
Black Presa Canario - 10 Months Old
Ghost is a 10 month old, full breed Presa Canario. UKC Registered. Ghost is up to date on all of his shots until next year. He is a massive dog, already weighing over 100lbs at his age. He is generally a good dog that does well with people and pets but has been displaying aggression towards my 6 year old daughter and aggressive about his food. We live in a small 2 bedroom unit and I cannot place Ghost outside and no longer feel safe having him in the house.View Detail
Black Presa Canario - 10 Months Old
Ghost is a 10 month old, full breed Presa Canario. UKC Registered. Ghost is up to date on all of his shots until next year. He is a massive dog, already weighing over 100lbs at his age. He is generally a good dog that does well with people and pets but has been displaying aggression towards my 6 year old daughter and aggressive about his food. We live in a small 2 bedroom unit and I cannot place Ghost outside and no longer feel safe having him in the house.View Detail
Locations Where Presa Canario Puppies are Available in Florida
Duval County, Miami-Dade County, Lee County, Pasco County, St. Lucie County, Broward County, Hillsborough County, Zephyrhills, Brooksville, Tallahassee