Recently Adopted Pug Puppies Near Melbourne
AKC registered 7 month old female pug
7 month old purebred female Pug. AKC registered and will include all her vet paperwork . Up to date on all shots. I have a certificate with her parents pictures. She is also chipped. She’s had her nose clipped so she can breath better( common on these types of dogs), cherry eye removal and minor surgery to fix a globe proptosis on her right eye (also common in pugs) she’s had complete recovery and is ready for her forever family. She hasn’t been spayed yet. Please have time for her , we want her to go to a nice loving home that will give her the time she needs. She’s fawn in color. Lovessss kids but and gets along with other dogs. She’s very playful and has energy as most puppies do. She mostly potty trained and is on a routine but still has accidents. She’s crate trained too. Serious inquiries onlyView Detail