Recently Adopted Puggle Puppies Near Arizona
puggle for sale loving cute 10 months old.
His name is Clyde. He has all his shots. He is God with children of all ages. along with dogs of all sizes. I have all his information including shot records and birth certificate,and history on his parentsView Detail
Golden pugs
Beautiful puppies Mom is an AKC pug and dad is an AKC English cream golden retrieverView Detail
Puggle Pups Ready to go Home
1 female 2males puggle puppies that was born on Mothersday and are eating pedigree puppy chow hard food and drink water and are playful and curtiouse they have soft tan to light brown colored short hair fur they will grow to about 20 lbsthey will be easy and fun to train as they are eager to learn they are very loyal and great with kids please call or text Dustin or Angela xxx-xxx-xxxx asking 450.00 but can negotiate we understand the economy and the inflation so we are willing to negotiateView Detail
Puggle puppies ready for new home
I have puggle puppies two male two female ready to be rehomed they were born mother's Day they are playful they are cute they love to cuddle they are healthy and they are ready to go home to their new home please call Dustin and Angie at xxx-xxx-xxxx butView Detail
Puggle in Need of Good Home
9 week old female puggle in Need of a good home. I just got her from someone on Craigslist. I was told she had all her shots and was healthy, however, when I got her she was extremely bloated. Turns out she has worms.I can't afford new vaccines for another month or so which is why I was in search for a puppy that already had all its vaccines. I want to make sure she gets taken care of. She's super sweet, super loving. She just needs someone who is more financially stable than I am at the moment.View Detail
Family raised puggle pups
Family raised puggle pups. ready to be adopted ether picked up from our home. Our puggles are very playful and love people. Are great with kids and have very few health problems.All puppies come with 1st shots and are current with dewormings and dated shot records. EMAIL( ) FOR MORE DETAILS AND PICSView Detail
Stunning Puggle Babies
TEXT OR CALL THROUGH THIS NUMBER (xxx-xxx-xxxx) FOR MORE INFO AND PICS (No Emails please) Text or Call only That number . These mischievous monkeys are ready for their new forever homes-they have been wormed, flead and microchipped and are all eating puppy complete biscuits,View Detail
Beautiful Puggle Puppies Ready xxx) xxx-xxx0
Beautiful Puggle Puppies ready to go now new homes. All are friendly little cuties, contact us for current photos and information. All our puggles are first generation pupsView Detail