Recently Adopted Puppies Near Adams County
labradoodle needs a new forever home
15 week old brown labradoodle. She is a female F1B current on all shots is a very healthy puppy. She is good with other pets and children has been raised in a country environment on a farm.She is a real sweetheart and is very smart and playful and wants to please and is quick to pick things up.For more info contact me at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
goldendoodle needs a new forever home
Female F1 she is very friendly and playful loves to please she is a real sweetheart.Her name is Rosie. She has been raised in a farm environment has been around children and other pets with no problems at all.Current on all shots and very healthy both her parents live with us and are on site.For more info contact me at xxx xxx xxx7View Detail
F1b Labradoodles
Darth Vader is a male F1b labradoodle & he is 8 weeks old. His parents are on-site with us. Mom is an AKC registered, apricot poodle (see photo 4) & Dad is Beef, our tri-colored F1 labradoodle (see photo 5). Vader is jet black with a curly coat that is so soft! He is well socialized with adults, children, kittens and larger dogs. He is playful and friendly and loves to run around and explore his surroundings. He is also a sweet cuddler, who loves being held and having his belly rubbed. Non-shedding, estimated final weight 40-50 lbs. These dogs are ready to connect with their FOREVER families!View Detail
Dutch shepherd mixed with pitbull puppies
Dutch Shepard mix with pitbull for sale born April 24 23 fawn and brindle one girl and the rest of them are boys the mother is full dutch shepherd and the father is full pitbull please text me theey 8 weeks old eating there own drinking waterView Detail
Pups looking for new homes
Hello, I am selling my puppies that my dog had, she gave birth to 2 female pups and 4 male pups. I wish I could keep them all but I can’t.I would love for them to find a home. The puppies were born in April 17 2023. They have started eating solid food slowly and are all healthy pups. They will be dewormed before they go to their new homes. They are very playful pups and like playing with children and other people. For more info please call me (xxx)xxx-xxxx Thank you.View Detail
Cane Corso puppies
2 females and 6 males available now. They have their first shots and dewormedView Detail
Black goldendoodle
12 weeks old Has first shots and has been dewormed sire is a black standard poodle AKC Damn is a English cream golden retriever AKC puppy has been brought up in a farm environment and has been around other dogs and pets has a great demeanor and is very smart and is willing to pleaseView Detail
Doodle puppy
18 week old female mini goldendoddle. She is last of litter. No shedding and hypoallergenic. Mother poodle apricot color. Father half cocker spaniel and half poodle white color. Excellent loving temperment. Loves children dogs and cats. Pottie training complete on pads...will go outdoors. I am moving to senior living and can only have one dog.View Detail
Husky Pups For Sale
Hello My dog gave birth to 6 Puppies I have 3 pups left 2 Females and 1 Male. All puppies have been dewormed and are healthy. Puppies were Born on September 14 2022, they are very playful pups and like being around people especially kids. For more information please message me at +xxxxxxxxxxx (Price is negotiable)View Detail
Husky’s for Sale
Hello my dog recently gave birth to 6 puppies on September 13 2022. She gave birth to 3 White puppies and 3 black puppies. They are turning 4 weeks this week. They will also be dewormed.They will be ready for their new homes by November 1 2022 .For more information Message me At xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
German Shepard Doberman
Mostly German Shepard. Father comes from police blood lines. Mother is haft German Shepard and half Doberman. Born on May 10th. Text me at xxx xxx-xxx5 if interested. ThanksView Detail
Husky for sale
I am selling my puppy he is a Siberian husky. He was born in February 10 2022, Both mom and dad Are Siberian Huskies. He has been dewormed, Is 100% healthy and eats very good. He is very playful and likes to play with other people. For more information or interested Message me (xxx) xxx-xxx7.View Detail
Huskies for sale
I am selling 3 husky’s 1 female 2males. They were all born February 10 2022. They are all dewormed, both mom and dad are Siberian husky’s. They all are very playful and like to be around other people and like to stay very hydrated, All are 100% healthy. For more than you can message me 1(5xx) xx1-9xx7View Detail
Beautiful Purebred Siberian Husky
Looking for a forever home for this sweet girl!♥️ She is so loving and is good with my kids. Her name is Ember and she is a Purebred Siberian Husky. We are located near Ritzville, WA.View Detail
Purebred Siberian Husky
This sweet boy is looking for his forever home! He is energetic and goofy. He is a Purebred Siberian Husky located near Ritzville, WA. 5-Oh-9 496-5288View Detail
German shepherd
I male and 1 female German shepherd puppies they had their shots and been dewormedView Detail
Beautiful Scottie Puppies
Beautiful Scottie Puppies AKC purebred 1 black female 1 Wheaton female 2 Wheaton malesView Detail
Puppies for sale
I have two male Siberian husky’s they are both 2 months old and we’re born in August 10. They are 100% healthy they both eat very well. White puppy has blue eyes and black puppy has brown and blue eyes. They are both very playful and like to play with children. They love to be around people. I hope I can find both a new cozy welcoming home. For more information please message me to xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
German shepherd mix
The father is pure bred German Shepherd. The mother is a mix of German Shepherd and Doberman. The puppies will be born on or around the second week of November 2021. They should be ready to go by Christmas. They were born on November 13. I have 10 puppies. Six boys and four girls. xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Male Merle Puppy for sale
I have a 12 week old male, Merle Great Dane puppy that needs a new home. Has received his first two sets of shots, is chipped, potty trained, loves to play n sleeps on his bed during the day and night; stay in crate while we are at work…View Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Adams County
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Adams County
American Pit Bull Terrier, Cane Corso, Cavapoo, Doberman Pinscher, Dutch Shepherd, German Shepherd, Golden Doodle, Great Dane, Goldendoodle, Labradoodle, Labrador Retriever, Scottish Terrier, Siberian Husky