Recently Adopted Puppies Near Attleboro
Fluffy puppies looking for a home
Fluffy french bulldogs with 6 different coat selectionsView Detail
Beautiful Siberian husky puppies.
beautiful siberian husky puppies, male, female, black/white,blue eyes, fluffy fur, sh0ts and dew0rmed. these puppies are well s0cialized and playful. they are xx weeks 0ld and ready t0 find new h0mes. s0lve this puzzle t0 c0ntact me. #xxxxxxxxxx#View Detail
Free puppy to a good home
Sasha is a sweet puppy and she is a manicure Italian greyhound she is very energetic and needs a fenced in yard so she can run around we have to give her up because my husband and I wanted a Chihuahua but I got her from Iowa and they drove her here and when she was small she looked like a Chihuahua but her legs were long she is 6 months old we really want her to go to a good homeView Detail
For free 8 months old female Italian greyhound miniature very sweet
She is very sweet she needs run a lot so it's good to have a fenced in yard my husband is out of work and I'm on disability we have to move into an apartment and they don't allow dogs we love her so much and it's important that she goes to a good forever homeView Detail
Miniature Italian greyhound
She is so sweet but my husband and I are to sick to take care of her we got her online but I wanted a Chihuahua and we paid 700.00 for her but I give her to a good home for free I just wanted a Chihuahua and Sasha is to much for us she is to big and wants to play all the time she needs a fenced in yard so she can run and get her energy out I love her but she is to much for us ❤️View Detail
Cute Border Collie Puppy
What a sweet little Collie puppy this is! What a beauty you have found here! It has a medium rough coat and a beautiful black and white. He comes with a health guarantee, age-appropriate vaccinations, and all the logs from their veterinarian date.View Detail
Cute Pomeranian Puppies for Adoption
Cute and lovely 12-week-old male and female Pomeranian Puppies ready for their new home. They are vet checked and very friendly to adults and children. Don't hesitate to get in touch with me for more details and photos.View Detail
11week female pup for sale
11week female Australian shepherd. Super playful and loving, trained to use bathroom outside. Good with kids.View Detail
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Attleboro
Australian Shepherd, Border Collie, French Bulldog, Italian Greyhound, Pomeranian, Siberian Husky, Bernedoodle