Recently Adopted Puppies Near Boyd
Shiba Inu willow
12/23/20 Willow is the only puppy born in this litter. So naturally she has gotten a lot of attention. Willow is a red sesame color.. She is raised around other dogs, farm animals and children of various ages. Shes very smart and playful. Will be utd on age appropriate shots, worming and vet health exam before leaving to her new home.. I also offer microchipping!View Detail
Born 1/1/21 posted 3/12/21 Icy Hot is a beautiful blue merle BullAussie with a2 bright blue eyes. Her mom is a blue Merle with one blue eye, Registered Olde English Bull dog. Dad is a beautiful black tri with two blue eyes Registered Australian Shepherd. Ice will be the best of both breeds. Short coat, thick masculine body, very easy to train, loyal, loving, eager to please. She will have more energy then your typical bulldog. But not as much high drive as the Australian Shepherd. She will be utd on age appropriate shots and worming. We also offer microchipping. We have heard nothing but good things from past litter, puppy owners about this cross. They make incredible family pets. Ice and her litter mates had ENS Early Neurological stimulation done starting at day 3.View Detail