Recently Adopted Puppies Near Braselton
Australian Shepherd
Make 3 months old. Has shots,health happy puppy need a good homeView Detail
Bernese Mountain Dog Puppies
I have 6 Beautiful Bernese Babies available. 4 males and 2 females. The are AKC registered and both parents on site. Dad is 130lbs and mom is 90 lbs. Dad's parents are imports. They all have a clear health check and will be ready for new homes after June 14thView Detail
Standard bernedoodle
Standard bernedoodle with beautiful blond and white coat. Dam is Bernedoodle and stud is AKC poodle. Dewormed, vaccinated, and microchipped. He has such a sweet, playful personality. He truly looks like a fluffy stuffed animal!View Detail
Red, Standard Bernedoodle - Male
Standard bernedoodle with beautiful red and white coat. Dam is Bernedoodle and stud is AKC poodle. Dewormed, vaccinated, and microchipped.View Detail
Golden doodle puppies
Got 9 golden doodle puppies for sale. Pure bread, dad is full size and mom is medium. Some will have white chest the puppies will be ready to travel in 8 weeks. To reserve your puppy there is a $500 down payment and you will receive weakly photo updates on your puppy until pick up date xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Double Doodles North of Atlanta
Hello! We recently helped bring five beautiful puppies into this world. The puppies were born August 16th, 2022. This is our first litter, and we don't know if or when we will have more. Both the mother and father live in the home with us and they are well cared for. Doodles require a lot of grooming. These are expensive dogs to own, so please do your research before deciding if these are the right person for your home. Bandit - Chocolate Male - Available Gunner - Black Male - Homed Grace - Black Female - Available Finn - White and Tan Male - Available Maisey - White and Tan Female - Pending Our lovely mother is an Irish Setter F1B Doodle. The father is a F1B Labradoodle. My husband refers to them as Labrish Doodles, but they're usually called double doodles. They will not shed, and they are hypoallergenic. We are looking for homes. Keep up to date on their growth at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxView Detail
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Braselton
Australian Shepherd, Bernese Mountain Dog, Golden Doodle, Pomsky, Bernedoodle