Recently Adopted Puppies Near Burrillville
6 week old Pomeranian
6 week old Male Pomeranian born on 2/23/23, looking for a loving home! If interested please contact me at xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Puppy for sale
I have one Pomeranian pup left for weeks. Hall will be ready to go in for more weeks $1000 xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail
Yorkies Make Your Heart Smile
Yorkies Make Your Heart Smile xxx-xxx-xxxx I've been breeding this wonderful breed for almost 15 yrs. I'm lic. as a small home breeder with the town of Burrillville. These are our pets live with us in our home and are very much loved and cared for. I have a very good reputation, and 1yr contract, and stand by both. All puppies come with a puppy bed, carrier, toy, and enough food for a month. They have a complete physical and their 1st vac., their vet papers and registration papers, turning ownership over to you, prior to going to their new homes.View Detail
Dottie is in Burrilliville, RI
Dottie is a playful pup. She is a mix of Chihuahua and Jack Russell. She is white with black spots. She has a very long tail and long legs. She has a micro chip and her shots. She is very playfull. She was born on June 18 2015. She weights under 7 lbs. She loves children and is with other dogs. We paid $300.00 for her shots and microchip. She needs a home for Christmas.View Detail
Chirussell in Rhode Island
This little Girl is Chihuahua and Jack Russell. She is small like a Chihuahua but rugged like a Jack Russell. She was born on July 18 2015. She weights 6 lbs, she is white with black spots. She has a micro chip and shots. She looks like a mini Jack Russell. We paid $300.00 for shots and a microchip. She needs a home for Christmas.View Detail
Chihuahua and Jack Russell mix
This little guy is Chihuahua and Jack Russell. Born on July 18, 2015 - he only weights 3 lbs. He is small like a Chihuahua but has rugged legs like a Jack Russell. He is black with a white bib and bellyView Detail
Purebred T-cup Yorkie puppies
They are outgoing, playful, loving, and charming. They are always so sweet and wants to please. These Teacup Yorkies will be sure to come to their new homes happily, healthy, and ready to fill your home with my puppies love. They will be up to date on their puppies vaccinations and vet checks just in time to come home to you. What are you waiting for? You have found the perfect prince and princes charming right here. CALL/TEXT: (xxx) xxx-xxx9View Detail