Recently Adopted Puppies Near Camden
Litter Announcement
We have Boykin Spaniel Puppies born 8-12-24. 2 females and 2 males are still available. Dam is AKC & BSS registered, Sire is BSS (Boykin Spaniel Society) registered therefore puppies will be BSS registered. All tails are docked, dewclaws removed. Both parents came from champion pedigree and several have won prestigious awards with BSS, UKC, and AKC. We can provide all pedigree information and paperwork to serious inquirers. This is our Dams first litter and we only bred her due to our love for this breed. Puppies will be ready to go to their new homes at 8 weeks (2nd week of October). They will come with a health certificate and be up to date on all vaccinations. Puppies require a $300 deposit to hold. Males and females are $1000; females are $1200 if you would like breeding rights. We paid $1800 for our female 2yrs ago so we feel like this is more than fair. We can provide pictures, videos, let you FaceTime to help you pick out your puppy. Puppies can be picked up at our home or we can meet half way at a reasonable distance. We’re located about an hour and a half between Mobile and xxxx on the river. Please contact us for any other information. We love these beautiful babies and we believe you will too. Thank youView Detail