Recently Adopted Puppies Near Caroline County
Akita Puppies
These puppies are from our only two, dearly loved Akitas first litter. They are all in our home and are considered members of our family. They are incredible loving and incredible intelligent. We have given both of our AKC registered Akitas nothing but the best diet from the beginning. We have 4 females and 2 males availableView Detail
Cavalier King Charles puppies
A beautiful litter of cavalier King Charles spaniel puppies born October 22 2023. The father is a grand champion tri color and mom is a Blenheim. Both parents have undergone the testing recommended by the OFA organization and have a clean bill of health. This includes x-rays of hips and patellas DNA testing eye exam and heart exam. this gives our puppies the best chance at a long and healthy life. All puppies are raised in my home with my family and socialized around kids and other dogs. They are started with litter box training and will have first shots dewormed and be examined by a vet prior to go into their new homes. they will be ready after December 18 just in time for Christmas. Goldsboro MarylandView Detail
Husky puppies ready to go
There is two males and one female I have paperwork they have been dewormed and microchippedView Detail
Husky puppies
I have two males and one female husky puppy ready looking for there fur ever home I live in Denton MD they have been dewormed and microchipped and have paperwork for them there mom and dad picture is there alsoView Detail
Husky puppies
I have four husky puppies looking for there fur ever home I live in Denton MD pm me for more information two males and two females they are microchipped dewormed and I have the paperwork for them the video are the little dogs playing with the big dogsView Detail
Female pit/mastiff mix puppy
She is a8 week old, blue and brindle female puppy. She is very bright and such a sweetheart looking for a forever home.View Detail
Chihuahua - beagles
Six chibeas Beagle for cute Chihuahua for small Born May 25th each with their own unique markins. They have all been vet checked twice, had all puppy shots,wormed and come with health certificationView Detail
Maltese chihuahua mixed. First shots and warming treatment being done 7/5 and will be available for their forever home. 4 girls and 1 boy. 7 weeks old on 7/4View Detail
Husky/Golden Retriever Puppies
Mom is a AKC golden retriever AKC Siberian husky mix with black, white and gold coloring. Dad is a full Siberian Husky with cream, gray and white coloring. Puppies each have different color patterns but most closely represent husky like features including white tip on tail, eyebrows, or forehead coloring. Born June 5th will be ready for pickup July 31st. $250 minimum deposit, installments allowed. Purchase Contract will need to be signed. Mom and dad are both smart dogs and great with children. Will be raised around cats and will have exposure to young children so should fit great into any homeView Detail
Female corso for sale no papers has been dewormed
Her name is nova she is 3 months old, can’t seem to find her papers but blood test will prove she is 100% corso from both parents. She comes with her cage for large dogs, 2 large bags of dog food, bath supplies, treats, doggy bed, harness, leash, and toys. I would love to keep her but she is gonna get so big and my apartment doesn’t have enough yard for her to run around, she loves children and she is potty trained.View Detail
Blue Nose Male Bully For Sale 5months
Need a good Family Home for My Buddy Very Playful energetic n lovingView Detail
King Charles Cavalier Spaniel
3 month old lovely Black and Tan male Cavalier Spaniel puppy. We’ve housebroken him for you. He has all his shots and necessary papers. Very sweet disposition.View Detail
Lovely Black and Tan Puppy
12 week old lovely Black and Tan cavalier puppy. Shots up to date.View Detail
ICA Great Dane puppies
All went home, see you next time You may also ckeck out our Fb page Paws of Faith Great DanesView Detail
Greg Rochester
100% RE male 2yrs old proven producer. Paco x Cairo blood Contact Greg @ xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Joyfull bullmastiff puppies for sale
pedigree but not kennel club registered. Father is KC registered with 5 generation pedigree but Mother is pedigree without papers. Mother is Family pet so can be seen. All very friendly and playful with great temperaments and used to all household noises and children via tex this number for xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Classic Siberian Huskies Puppies
We have two black and white Siberian Husky puppies available for adoption. These puppies are already vaccinated and will be coming with all vet records. They do not shed much and are going to make wonderful pets.text me at (xxx) xxx-xxx1View Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Caroline County
Denton, Greensboro, Federalsburg, Goldsboro, Williston
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Caroline County
Akita, American Pit Bull Terrier, Bullmastiff, Cane Corso, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Great Dane, King Charles Spaniel, Maltese, Mixed, Siberian Husky, American Bully