Recently Adopted Puppies Near Central City
Chihuahua Puppies
Two month old puppies. They eat kibble and are ready for their forever home. They also ready to be vaccinated asap. Both puppies are from same litter and both parents are chihuahuas. One puppy is a big sized pup and has a few white marks on coat and color eyes. Other puppies has no marks on coat just feet and has nice dark brown eyes. Willing to negotiate price! I just want them to get good home.View Detail
I’m selling my blue nose puppy
Blue nose puppy( female) 2 months that’s what I was told when I got her selling because I won’t be able to take care of her like I thought I could hurts me but I got too it’s best for her she’s a sweet Lil blue I named her chatita but u can change her nameView Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Central City
West McFadden Avenue, West Raymar Street