Recently Adopted Puppies Near Creal Springs
Husky Puppies!
We have 5 husky puppies born 1/18/2023. 3 females and 2 males. There is a rehoming fee to ensure good homes. I’ve listed on each photo which ones are male and female. Depending on how they’re doing (eating solid food, etc), puppies will be ready to be rehomed in the next 4-6 weeks and will be de-wormed. We are located in Creal springs Illinois. If you’re interested you can either email me at or text at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
AKC Registered Females
AKC registered, purebred Rottweiler female pups for sale. Will be ready November 12th. Tails docked, dewclaws removed, and first shots/deworming before pickup. Hand raised in my home. Both parents on site. Champion bloodline. $1200 with a $300 deposit that will be subtracted from the total balance. Please contact me for further information. Located in Southern Illinois but I travel up to 300 miles to deliver at no charge.View Detail
Akc registered German Shepard puppies
3 female german shepard puppies. Will be ready for their furever home in 3 weeks.View Detail
Lab pups for sale!
Born December 5, 2021 $200 deposit to hold your pup with a total of $800. Mom is a chocolate AKC registered lab and dad is a black AKC registered lab. Pup will be ready for new home at 7-8 weeks old. Will have had 2 rounds of preventative dewormer and 6 week shots. Contact: xxx-xxx-xxxx for more details or pictures.View Detail
Josie's Labradors
We have 6 lab puppies that will be availiable september 6th !2 black females 3 black males and 1 yellow male . They will be 7 weeks old . They were born on july 19th . Both parents are great dogs and great retrievers . They will be dewormed and have their 1st shots. Very playful and loving puppies . We have 3 family labs of our own and love labradors, so please serious lifelong inquires only. We want them to have the best homes. Please call or text xxxxxxxxxx or xxxxxxxxxx. Thank youView Detail
Six weeks old Current vaccinations Veterinarian examination Health certificate xxx-xxx-xxxx text Harrisburg, IlView Detail
Huskies Ready
9 puppies ready for their forever home. Have had the first vaccination and de wormed. Are eating soft food and healthy. Parents on premises mother is a Alaskan Malamute and father a Siberian Husky.View Detail
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Creal Springs
Alaskan Husky, German Shepherd, Labradoodle, Labrador Retriever, Rottweiler, Siberian Husky