Recently Adopted Puppies Near Eagle Point
Boston Terrier-French Bulldog Mix Puppies
We have 4 female, and 3 male Frenchton puppies for sale. Mom is Boston Terrier and Dad is French Bulldog. They were born on June 14. They have been dewormed and had first set of vaccines. They will come with shot records and a small bag of food. These pups have been crate potty trained and go potty outside upon awakening or after eating. They know how to use the potty mat inside as well. They are ready to go to their forever home NOW. Presently, as of this writing, they are 8 weeks old. We have different colors of brown with black faces, browns, grey and one, grey and white. These babies love to be held and run and play. Great family dog or for a single or elderly individual. In person, they are irresistible. Love at first sight! Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx for more info or a particular picture. We will be uploading updated videos shortly.View Detail