Recently Adopted Puppies Near Elbert County
Pitbull pups ready!
I have a litter of pups ready for forever homes. They have had first shots and are happy and healthy. I now have 3 males and 4 females available.View Detail
AKC Border Collie puppies for sale
AKC Border Collie puppies for sale. Mom and dad are on premises. Puppies will have a veterinarian health certificate. Beautiful, fat puppies looking for a loving forever home. Please call xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information.View Detail
AKC Border Collie puppies
AKC Border Collie puppies ready for their forever home. $600 each. Mom & dad are on premises. Beautiful,fat,loving puppies. Puppies come with a health certificate from my vet. Please call or text me at xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information/picsView Detail
Great Pyrenees are ready for their forever home/farm!!
We have 9 full blooded Great Pyrenees puppies born July 22, 2023. 4 females, 5 males left. They are 9 weeks old today (9/23) Vaccines: They have had their first and second round of shots. On Sept 2 they were given Spectra 5. And given Spectra 9 on 9/23. Dewormed on 9/18 & 9/30 Also.. Vet recommended us to use NeoPar just as an extra precaution preventative for Parvo, I love it because that gives me reassurance and such a huge relief that the puppies will be safe from Parvo!NeoPar was given on Aug. 16. Mom and dad are both on site. Asking $300 They're the absolute cutest, sweetest and must I add, the softest! Don't miss out on your fur baby!! I promise they'll melt your heart ❤ Txt Kristen (xxx) xxx-xxx9View Detail
AKC Border Collie puppies
AKC registered Border Collie puppies looking for their forever home. Mom & dad are on premises. I have black & whites and red & whites. Puppies will have all current vaccinations. Please call/text for more information.View Detail
old english bulldogs
tails docked and declawed born x-xx-xxxx xxxxxxxxxx great with kidsView Detail
old english bulldogs
tails docked and declawed born x-xx-xxxx xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
AKC Border Collie puppies for sale
AKC Border Collie puppies for sale. Beautiful, healthy puppies born 1/11/23. Mom & Dad are on premises. I am a State Licensed breeder. Puppies will have all up to date vaccinations. Please call me for more information.View Detail
old english bulldog
born x-xx-xxxx need loving home got 3 males 1 femaleView Detail
old english bulldog
need new home born x-xx-xxxx tails docked dewormed first shots xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Beautiful Rottweiler puppies
x females and x male left they were bxrn april xxth they will be nxrt american purebred registered. thank yxu. serixus inquiries xnly!!!! i living in elbertxn ga, 3xx35 please text me anytime befxre xxpm x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, xView Detail
Husky mix for free with a relocation fee
Husky mixed is good with kids. Is black, brown, and white.View Detail
Pit bull puppies and older pit mixed.
Two pit bulls puppies 11weeks old no papers but good blood lines one female and one male 500.00 each. Two mixed pit and ?, one year old one male and one female 100.00 each. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx. One 3 year old female pit 400.00.View Detail
Golden Retriever
11 week old male Golden Retriever. Parents are AKC registered. Has been vet checked. Has been wormed and has had 2 sets of puppy shots.View Detail
10 week old pitbulls
I have 2 female puppies left. They are ready for homes with first shots. $250 will send more pics and info. 7zeroxxsixxxtwoxxView Detail
8week old pitbull puppies
I have 5 female pitbull pups that are 8 weeks old they have had first shot and dewormed. Comes from a good strong bloodline parents are great with other dogs, people, and even better with kids. Rehoming fee required. Located in Elberton GA.View Detail
Cute and lovely puppy
White Male Siberian Husky. He is 6 weeks old. He is very playful and ready to find a forever home. If you are interested please send a message to (xxx)xxx-xxxxView Detail
AKC Lab Puppies for sale
We have a litter of six. White and Yellow. There's 3 females and 3 males. Mom and Dad are AKC registered. Puppies Will come with AKC registration and first set of shots. For more information please call Sherry Sutherland at xxx-xxx-xxxx or Cell phone xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
6 month old female. Microchiped but not spayed. Comes with Papers,Shot Records,Large Crate with bedding. She is taking Simparica Trio. House trained. Can meet somewhere.View Detail
Old English Bulldogges
I have three pups dewormed first shots tails docked loveable pups need a good home anybody interested give me a call xxxxxxxxxx born 5-14-19View Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Elbert County
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Elbert County
American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Border Collie, English Bulldog, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Great Pyrenees, Labrador Retriever, Old English Bulldog, Olde English Bulldogge, Pomeranian, Rottweiler, Siberian Husky