Recently Adopted Puppies Near Graham County
Beautiful puppies
I have 6 female and two male great pyrenees puppies ready for a new home june 19th. Played with daily by little and big kids. They get spoiled here. For more information please call/text xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Spanadors make wonderful family pets
Spanadors are a cocker spaniel / Labrador mix. They are truly the best of both worlds. They are loyal, smart, sweet, and loving. They they are great with children and do well indoors and outdoors. Puppies from previous litters of hours, are proven to be wonderful family dogs, many are hunters, and some even certified service dogs! These puppies were born June 5th and are ready for their new forever families! They have up-to-date shots, wormed, and a one-year health guarantee. Delivery options available. We are a Kansas license breeder and own both a dam and sire as our pets. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.View Detail