Recently Adopted Puppies Near Greeneville
CKC Registered Shih Tzu puppies
CKC Registered Shih Tzu puppies, beautiful and very playful, 9 weeks old and one left from another litter that is 12 weeks old. I am located in Greenville Tennessee and I don’t ship puppies, Pick up only, Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx for more photos and videosView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet 11yr old Katrina, she is a great dog and has severed us well. We are retiring her and would love for her to have a good home. She is updated on her vaccination and wormed.she has had dental work done and is in good condition.she weighs around 7lb. She is very loyal. She loves attention and the closer she is to you the better she is.View Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet beautiful black Luna, she loves to be held and to play with toys.she is active will make a beautiful pet for your family. She is up to date on shots and wormedView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet beautiful Silva, he has got those beautiful blue eyes and cery silvery neck with black,he loves attention but tends to be more cautious and timmid. Will make a very great friend. He is up to date on shots and wormedView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet Hershey,he has beautiful dark black coat ,loves to eat and loves attention very active will love being yor friend and pet. He is up-to-date on shots and wormedView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet beautiful zeke, he has beautiful silvery black coat, very gentle and loves attention will make an awesome pet. He is up to date on shots and wormedView Detail
Charlie (Male)
Registered Maltese puppy for sale. DOB 5/13/23 Looking for a good home. He is up to date on shots. Pad trained. We just do not have the time to devote to him. We paid $1700.00 Located in East TN. Asking $950.00 OBO Call/Text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Pitbull mix
This is tank, my 1 year old pit bull. He’s great with kids and bigger dogs but not cats. Crate and puppy pad trained. He’s very playful and loves chew toys Free to a good home.View Detail
Australian shepards
Two 1 1/2 year old male Australian Shepards. Both boys have one blue and one brown eye but swapped with each other. Great with kids cats and bigger dogs. Crate and outside trained. Free to a good home.View Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet Maribelleshe is black sable very beautiful calm in character loves to be held. Loves to run and play with her xxxx.xx around kids so is socially balanced. Is registered CKC. She had her first shots, wormed and had a vet wellness check up,she weighs2lb and in good health. Her deposit to hold her is $250 and it comes out of the price of xxxxx.xxxx delivery up to 200 miles further is extra cost. Will keep you posted on updatedView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Beautiful Cinnamon he is Merle-sable. He loves to be held,and tussles.he had his first shots,he is around kids so is socially balanced wormed and had a vet wellness check up.he weighs 2lb 5oz and in good health.He is ready for his new xxxx.xx registered CKC the deposit to hold him $250, it comes out of the price of puppy. Free delivery up to 200 miles further is extra cost. Will keep you posted onView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Beautiful Brigitte she is black-sable. Loves to be held is laid back in character.she loves to tussle and play,but still wants to be held.she is registered CKC.She is ready for her new xxxx.xx around kids so is socially balanced. She is wormed,had her first shots and had a vet wellness check up.she is in good health. her deposit is $250 to hold her,it comes out of the price of xxxxx.xxxx deliver up to 200 miles,further is extra cost.will keep you posted onView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Beautiful Dutchessis 8 weeks old ,she loves playing and being held ,she is around kids and is socially balanced is registered Ckc. She is up to date on shots, wormed and had a vet wellness check up. Is ready for her new home and will make an awesome friend and pet. Free deliver up to 200 miles further is extra cost. If interested please message meView Detail
SuzyQs Precious Pups
Meet Phoenix a Beautiful sable-merle pomeranian with two different color blue eyes.had his first set of shots, wormed and had a vet wellness check up,he weighs 2lb 8oz and iin good health.He is ready for his new xxxx.xx around kids so is socially balanced.he is registered CKC Will post pictures as he grows. Deposit to hold him is $250 it comes out of the price of puppy. Free delivery up to 200 miles, further will be extra cost.if interested please contact meView Detail
Husky and pit mix
Two female and one male husky and pit mix. The are seven weeks but are weened and doing good with puppy pads. Are In need of shots when they are eight weeks. Small fee for a good homeView Detail
SuzyQs precious Pups
Meet Gracie she is 6 weeks old and already a talker,she came from a litter of 2.she was born June 10,2023. She will be up to dates on shots dewormed and have a wellness vet check up. Will keep you posted on her growth she is socially balanced and around kids.she will be registered CKC her deposit is 250.and that will come out from the price of puppy will keep you posted on up to date pictures. Delivery is extra cost, but am willing to work something out if not to farView Detail
Australian Shepards
Two 1 1/2 year old male Australian Shepards, Silas and Jimba. Both boys have one blue and one brown eye but swapped with each other. Great with kids cats and bigger dogs. Crate and outside trained.View Detail
American bully
This is tank, my 1 year old pit bull. He’s great with kids and bigger dogs but not cats. Crate and puppy pad trained. He’s very playful and loves chew toysView Detail
American bully
This is tank, my 1 year old pit bull. He’s great with kids and bigger dogs but not cats. Crate and puppy pad trained. He’s very playful and loves chew toysView Detail
Australian Shepard
Two 1 1/2 year old male Australian Shepards, Silas and Jimba. Both boys have one blue and one brown eye but swapped with each other. Great with kids cats and bigger dogs. Crate and outside trained.View Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Greeneville
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Greeneville
American Pit Bull Terrier, Australian Shepherd, Border Collie, Black Mouth Cur, Boerboel, Chihuahua, French Bulldog, Golden Retriever, Great Pyrenees, Labrador Retriever, Miniature Poodle, Maltese, Miniature Australian Shepherd, Other, Poodle, Pomeranian, Shih Tzu, Siberian Husky, Toy Poodle, YorkiePoo, Yorkshire Terrier