Recently Adopted Puppies Near Harrison County
Male Standard Poodle puppy
Unregistered Standard Poodle Mr. Green is super sweet and cuddly. He is extremely human focused. He’s pretty mellow. We have started potty training, crate training, grooming, and working on basic commands. He has great recall. Puppies were born on Jun 12, 2023. Puppies can go to their new homes NOW. Puppies had their tails docked and dewclaws removed. Puppies will have had 1st vaccines, dewormer, and vet checked. Both mom and dad are our family pets and have been health tested. Joey is an AKC blue standard poodle. He comes from champion lines. He's extremely smart, happy, cuddly, loyal, and in tune to emotions. He is 55 pounds. Phoebe is a blue unregistered standard poodle. Her parents are ranch working dogs who are very smart. She is a total goof, intelligent, alert, and very sweet. She is 50 pounds. Puppies are $500 All puppies come with a go home bag that includes: 30 days of free pet insurance, vet records, parents' health testing records, info/tip sheet, sample of current food, toys, blanket with mom/litter mates' scent, and support from us.View Detail
rehoming adorable puppies
2m 1fm dad is rat terrier Chihuahua 7lbs mom is poodle Chihuahua 6lbs. Will be small with short hair. Absolutely adorable and would make great Mother's Day giftView Detail
rehoming puppies
I have 2m 2fm. Dad is 7lb rat terrier chihuahua mom is 6lb poodle Chihuahua. Adorable small short haired puppies looking for a good family and a forever home.6 weeks old and ready to goView Detail
Pointing lab puppies
Akc Pointing lab puppies for sale. Black male and females available. Parents are excellent hunters and great family dogs with excellent dispositions.View Detail
Poodle# puppies# for# sale#.
Poodle# puppies# for# sale#...Text/Call @ (xxx) xxx-xxx8 #Top # Quality #Female #And #Male #POO.D.LE #Puppies #for #sale #Male #and # Female #POO.D.LE #Puppies #Available #To #Loving #Homes #These #sweet #girl #and #boy #has #been #born #and #raised #indoors #and #under foot # They# have# a# nice # cobby# body# and #beautiful# ......Text/Call @ (xxx) xxx-xxx8View Detail
Purebred german shepard puppies
Beautiful purebred german shepard puppies for sale 2 males black and tan. Pisgah Iowa. Contact Jeff @ xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Purebred german shepard puppies
I have 2 purebred german shepard puppies for sale Both males Asking $600 each Both parents AKC registeredView Detail
AKC Bloodhound Puppies
Bloodhounds raised on a 13 acre property. Good with kids and livestock. Used to hunt, track, and great family pets. True working dogs. xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Harrison County
Jefferson, Jackson, Missouri Valley, Dunlap, Harrison Township, Boyer Township
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Harrison County
Bloodhound, German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Mixed, Poodle