Recently Adopted Puppies Near Hillsboro
Australian Mini
It is a female for sale, contact Robert at xxx-xxx-xxxx. She a good puppy with all her shots.View Detail
Miniature schnauzers
Miniature schnauzers one female and three males. Born September 29, 2023 will be ready December 1 2023. They will have first shots, veterinarian appointment and check up. They will be working on potty training and kennel training. Please text me for more details or questions. xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Milo is a Pure Bred Yorkie
Milo is active , happy and loves being held! He is born and raised in a cute log cabin in the country of Hillsboro TX. It’s a clean peaceful environment! He has his vet check, wormer, and vaccines up to date. He is ready to go home! He makes me happy! He will make you happy!:) You are welcome to come meet him! As always first come, first pick Feel free to look me up on Facebook Puppy FurrendsView Detail
wxrmed xn x/xx/xx first rxund xf shxts x/xx/xx full-blxxded great dane will be available 8/x/xx, at 8 weeks xld serixus inquires xnly call xr text curtis x x x x x x x x x x heather x x x x x x x x x x. lxcated near hillsbxrx, texasView Detail
Half German shepherd half husky for sale
1 year and 10 month old shepherd husky mix for sale. This was our first attempt with a dog and just do not have time for him. He is a fantastic dog who listens to many commands. He knows his kennel for bed and is fully potty trained. He comes with his kennel, bed, toys, water and food feeder, two barking collars, and leashes. Wonderful pup, but my husband and I just run too many hours.View Detail
Promise is a Beautiful Bernedoodle Cocker Spaniel
Mom weighs @20lbs Dad weighs between 20-39 lbs Will make an excellent gift for valentines! She is seeet and friendly, fun to cuddle For more info , call or text today at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
catahoula leopard puppy
9 weeks old Puppy needing her forever home. She’s a super sweet puppy, almost potty trained, sweet with kids and loves to cuddle. Comes with bowls and puppy food.View Detail
English Bulldog Femal Blue Tri
Hello, she is 8 weeks old. Located in Hillsboro Texas. She is $5000 full AKC. Father is Blueprint. Both parents are 40lbs or lessView Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Hillsboro
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Hillsboro
Australian Shepherd, Catahoula Leopard, English Bulldog, Great Dane, Miniature Schnauzer, Shepherd Husky, Yorkshire Terrier, Bernedoodle